Friday, 30 March 2012

Stage 2: Retail advertising

Advertisements that encourage potential customers to buy a specific product or service are known as retail advertisements. These advertisements often include specific products, their prices, sales dates, coupons and a call to action. Examples of retail advertising include car dealer ads, supermarket inserts in newspapers and clothing and jewelry store ads. 

These ads are often nothing more than a list of products with prices, often pointing out the discounts offered. Many successful retailers built a strong link between TV and newspaper ad campaigns including David Jones, Bunnings, Woolworths, Jetstar and Target. Woolworths clearly outperformed Coles ads on ad recognition and brand linkage. David Jones’ Miranda Kerr ads outperformed ads by Myer featuring Jennifer Hawkins, on ad recognition and brand linkage. 

Retail advertising can impact future demand, but the sign of the impact varies across customers. The advertisers’ objective lies in bringing customers into the store for their shopping needs, while the message appeal of brand advertisers attempts to build demand for a specific brand that may be available at a number of retail outlets. 

Their target audiences are the customers who live within the retail outlet area. The advertisements should be effective as they are aired on screen or printed on newspapers and other medias, they have the potential to reach target audiences. There are generally two types of retail advertising messages: promotional and institutional. The promotional ad message features a particular product or group of products at a special or discounted price. 

  • Promotional advertising can be readily measured by analyzing overall store customer counts, product movement, discounts taken and overall sales. Because the effects of promotional advertising can be seen immediately, the retailer tends to depend heavily and sometimes exclusively on that type of advertising.

  • Institutional advertising is designed to create a positive brand image for the store. Institutional ads do not focus on particular products and prices, but instead attempt to position the store in the minds of consumers and leave a favorable impression. 

Advertisement: Woolworths fresh food people

About the ad:
Woolworths unveiled the latest campaign in The Fresh Food People lineage. With a new line, “we are fresh food people, because you are”. The campaign demonstrates The Fresh Food People’s knowledge and passion for the fresh foods they provide to customers and to their families.

The objective of the ad is to create brand awareness of Woolworths as fresh food retailer. The target audiences of the ad include both male and female youngsters, adults, and elders who do grocery shopping. The campaign was seen to be successful because it outperformed Coles ads on ad recognition and brand linkage

Advertisement: David Jones featuring Miranda Kerr

About the ad:
This is an ad by David Jones featuring Miranda Kerr showing off the fashion brand available at David Jones. The objective of the ad is to promote and grab women's attentions on the new launched fashion of the season. The target audiences would be 17-55 years old women who are interested in fashion and are willing to spend money on purchasing fashion items. I would say that the ad is effective because women like to follow the fashion trend of supermodel.

Advertisement: IKEA winter sale commercial

About the ad:
The ad is from IKEA trying to send the message to public that IKEA is having winter sale. The ad portrays a lady who was shock and overjoy with the low price she paid for the items she bought at IKEA that she thought the cashier made a mistake. The target audiences are people who want to add furnitures or decorations to their house, or people who might interested to drop by to nearby IKEA during winter sales.

Journal article:

Simester, D, Hu, Y, Brynjolfsson, E, Anderson, Eric T, 2009. DYNAMICS OF RETAIL ADVERTISING: EVIDENCE FROM A FIELD EXPERIMENT. Economic Inquiry. Vol. 47, No. 3, 482–499. 

Trade press article:

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